Pursue a Successful Career in Mathematics
Mathematics majors develop skills to pursue careers in many different fields, 作为文科学位的一部分,学习数学为你打开了通往充满机遇的世界的大门. As a mathematics major, 通过具有挑战性的智力追求,你将获得解决问题的技能,这将是许多不同职业的资产, including education, government, banking, law, medicine or business.
数学系将帮助你发展你的数值和分析能力去调查, formulate, analyze, and articulate solutions to problems within the discipline of mathematics. 当你享受数学的阴谋和挑战时,熟练的教师提供指导, as well as the satisfaction of knowing you have arrived at an answer to a problem. As a mathematics major at Concordia, 您将享受小班授课,在严谨的学术环境中,您将获得学生和教职员工的了解和支持,并为成功做好准备.
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